All things fun fit and fierce

So what I'm saying is that I'm basically Serena Williams...

athletes baby challenge competition fitness Grand Slam motherhood Obstacle Course Race OCR pregnancy serena serena williams spartan race tennis

So what I'm saying is that I'm basically Serena Williams...

erena Williams after just entering the wonderful world of motherhood is already crushing it. 

Serena is a Spartan now. AROO!

In the fall of 2016 I embarked on a journey that really stretched the bo...


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Barre - a deceptively simple workout.


After lots of HIIT training I felt I needed a change. Barre is great for low impact training. It's easy on the joints and not heavy on the cardio. Started by a former ballerina, you may recognize elements of ballet in this style of workout. It is a great balance of low weight and/or body weight and high repetition. In other words, you will get the shakes.

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New Year. New Possibilites

New Year. New Possibilites

With a new year comes new possibilities.

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Hey baby, what's your sign?

aquarius aries astral astrology cancer capricorn cosmic cosmos gemini leo libra pisces sagittarius scorpio taurus virgo workout workout style

Hey baby, what's your sign?

Astrological Fitness What does your sign say about your workout style? Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 22 Scorpios are passionate. They are known for fiery love and hate. Although they are charmers, they can also deliver brutal honesty. Good thing is, they can take it too! Scorpios do well in military-style boot camp workouts. Perfect item for Scorpios, The Python legging. Sagittarius Nov. 23-Dec. 20 Sags are eternally optimistic and think BIG. They don't like to sit still for very long. If you're a Sagittarius you might want to give HIIT training a try! Check out our The Body bodysuit for comfort and style...

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Celebrity Legging Style for LESS

allesandra ambrosio celeb celebrities celebrity fashion floral floral print flower leather look mesh leggings motorcycle style motto style navy news style taylor swift zendaya

Celebrity Legging Style for LESS

She wore what? Celebrities! They're just like us! It's no surprise that even A-listers opt for legging styles for everyday fashion. Many movie stars and music artists work out 5-6 days a week. But even running to grab a Starbucks or shopping on a downtown street is a legging-worthy event. Why not? They're comfy af. These days, celebs are showing us that leggings don't have to be basic.Check out these celebrity styles and see how you can work them into your wardrobe. With celebrity style, it's all about the leggings. Gone are the days of only seeing leggings as workout clothes. These...

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