Change is Gonna Come!

Crazy delicious oyster sampler I enjoyed while in Mexico.

Change is gonna come...

I'm back! Back from a nice week long vacation in Mexico and an even longer hiatus from writing in this blog/journal. I've had so many things to reflect on during this time. June is the half-year mark, usually a time where we assess our goals and how close we are to reaching them.

I admit I started the year with the hopes of having a sick six pack while traipsing the beaches of the Baja! This did not happen. I over-trained about a month before the trip. I ended up so "over it" that I decided I looked "good enough" for a bikini and stopped going to the gym and ate cake for two weeks straight. I was right about looking good enough for a bikini. But no sick abs though. My belly game was on point. That's ok.

This particular trip was very enlightening in many ways. As some of you who know me personally know, Cabo San Lucas is our go-to vacation spot. We love it there. The people are friendly. It's a small town that's rich in character and beautiful landscapes. Technically a desert (it's on the Baja peninsula) it's a beautiful juxtaposition of rocky barren hills and blue ocean. On the Sea of Cortez side, the beach is fun and inviting. On the Pacific side, it's dangerous and threatening. Cabo also has some of the best fishing in the world and the sushi there is to die for! There are many times my husband have gone out there and have been lucky enough to catch our dinner!

But our small fishing village is changing. Every time we visit there are new buildings going up, new resorts and new restaurants. The people of Cabo have an indomitable spirit, which I was lucky to witness a few years ago when we flew in after one of the most destructive hurricanes they've had in decades. Tiny plots of land are constantly being developed on. At first, it may be a tin shack with an outdoor kitchen, a pop-up restaurant. And by next year, walls will be built and a better roof. And by next year they've completely renovated the place into a beautiful dining establishment.

Even our special spot is in on the action! Our small resort is under renovations to become a premier luxury destination. As long as the friendly faces of Miguel and Girardo are still there, that's ok in my book. Send me an email if you are interested in the resort as we just upgraded our membership!

This spirit gives me focus and inspiration. Start where you're at. Have goals, but be willing to throw them out the window if need be. Getting fit, running a business, having a happy marriage and family is a lot like being on a fishing boat. You know where you are headed in general, but you will constantly have the need to adjust due to wind, waves and other boats. It's ok. It's totally ok to have an expectation that doesn't quite meet with reality, YET! 

To paraphrase one of my favorite sayings,

"you are allowed to be both the scultor and the masterpiece,"

And BTW, no matter how much sunscreen I put on, I still got burned. I swear it's an entirely different sun in Mexico than in the States.  I saved my skin using Chisara's Gold Shea butter, which is now on the site. Manufactured by my son's grandparents, they agreed to let me sell their exclusive product which they've been making for the better part of 15 years. (Chisara is his pet name for his wife in Igbo, their native language. I'll need to ask him again what it means.) It's pure. Only a hint of essential oil for a soft subtle fragrance is added, and it makes your skin super soft and moisturized.

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